
Nascimento: 21/03/2023

Boston Terrier

Machos: 3

Fêmeas: 2

Disponíveis: 0

Conheça o pedigree

Filhotes Boston Terrier


Copacabana Boston's Agogo Copacabana Boston's Agogo

Copacabana Boston's Agogo

Sabe's Simply Invincible Sabe's Simply Invincible

Sabe's Simply Invincible

Copacabana Boston's Cuica Copacabana Boston's Cuica

Copacabana Boston's Cuica

Candar's Fame Monster Candar's Fame Monster

Candar's Fame Monster

SAbe's Simply Scrumptious

Sabe's Peaceful Warrior Sabe's Peaceful Warrior

Sabe's Peaceful Warrior

Copacabana Boston's Dengosa Copacabana Boston's Dengosa

Copacabana Boston's Dengosa




Copacabana Boston's TPring Copacabana Boston's TPring

Copacabana Boston's TPring

Hilltop's Gringo the Love Machine Hilltop's Gringo the Love Machine

Hilltop's Gringo the Love Machine

Copacabana Boston´s Saavik Copacabana Boston´s Saavik

Copacabana Boston´s Saavik

Hilltop's Groovy Love Machine Hilltop's Groovy Love Machine

Hilltop's Groovy Love Machine

T-Bo's Blinded by the Love Hilltop T-Bo's Blinded by the Love Hilltop

T-Bo's Blinded by the Love Hilltop

Campbell Clan's Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire! Campbell Clan's Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire!

Campbell Clan's Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire!

Copacabana Boston's T'Pol Copacabana Boston's T'Pol

Copacabana Boston's T'Pol

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