Copacabana Boston's Gaucha
Boston Terrier
Copacabana Boston's Gaucha
Boston Terrier
Sexo Fêmea
Nascimento: 26/09/2021
Cor Tigrdo/Bco
Microchip: 900215002604368
Campbell Clan's Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire!
To-Sa's on Mickey you So Fine
Campbell Clan's Crash Your Party
To-Sa's Too Cool or School
To-Sa's Another Vixen Addition
Campbell Clan's Lamburgini Legacy
Sweet Sophia Rose
Copacabana Boston's Maple
Hilltop's Gringo the Love Machine
Waylin Sugarloaf de Copacabana
Hilltop's Groovy Love Machine
T-Bo's Blinded by the Love Hilltop
Gumbo-Eviedobee's Stargazer Night for Sonita (USA)
CH Waylin's Kanga Roo